Vision and Goals

Strategic Framework Cover Hires 1

Every 10 years, the University engages in a strategic planning process aimed at charting a course for the future. “Notre Dame 2033: A Strategic Framework” is the latest such effort, the product of more than two years of research and reflection across the University.

The Framework outlines strategies that will support the ambitious vision of Notre Dame as the leading global Catholic research university, on par with but distinct from the world’s best private universities. This effort to educate students and conduct research at the highest level animated by a distinctive Catholic mission is one of the most exciting and consequential experiments in global higher education.

Becoming the Notre Dame the world needs will require the University to become better at thinking as an institution. The University’s strategic framework is augmented by the strategic plans of its colleges, schools, and divisions. These individual plans include goals specific to the unit that have been developed to align with and support the University’s four goals.

  • Goal I: Ensure that our Catholic character informs all our endeavors
  • Goal II: Offer an unsurpassed undergraduate education that nurtures the formation of mind, body, and spirit
  • Goal III: Provide superb graduate and professional programs that deliver disciplinary excellence, foster multidisciplinary connections, and advance knowledge in the search for truth
  • Goal IV: Advance human understanding through scholarship and research that seeks to heal, unify, and enlighten

The University’s full Strategic Framework can be explored at

University Mission Statement